Uppdaterad: 240401
Welcome to our Songwriting Camp
Alan Roy Scott invites you
“-Join us for a ground breaking combination or “hybrid” of a top level & professional Songwriting Camp, joined together with the established Lilla By Festivalen, in the form of songs just written and produced at the songwriting camp, being “world premiered” the very next day at the Festivalen in a group set of songs from the camp, as well as solo performances of some Camp artist participants.”
Every day in the Songwriting Camp high quality Producers will be put together in combination with participating artists and top-liners (songwriters) to create new songs and produce high quality demos of these songs in one day !!! Every evening there will be a listening session at the hotel to celebrate the days work together.
Up to 30 high quality songs/productions will come into existence over the course of the camp writing days. Then we carry this magic over to the Lilla By Festivalen in the form of a group performance of the best songs from the Camp in a special set, as well as additional solo artist sets, all on the Lilla By Festivalen main stage over the course of the two days of the Festival.
A new and exciting hybrid is born !!!!

The Lilla By Festivalen itself will feature a number of high level invited Swedish artists performing on their stages such as Nanne Grönvall and Janne Schaffer among others, and so the participants will be in good company alongside them. There will also be a number of invited booking agent professionals in attendance from Glastonbury Music Festival among others, EMG Collectives, and others offering networking
and potential career opportunities for the participants beyond the Camp. Also, the integration of Camp participants as performers in the festival itself !!!
A cozy, comfortable, creative environment awaits in the chosen hotel to host the camp… Breanäs Hotel will only enhance the overall experience. As the hotel itself says….
“Come join us for a constructive, relaxing creative week of inspiration and songwriting, creating, and meeting like minded people in beautiful and tranquil settings in Sweden’s most southern wilderness on the lake of Immeln Circa, 40 minutes by car from Kristianstad in Skåne, located in the cozy Breanäs Hotel (Read More Here!)
So all in all, we hope you will join us for this grand adventure from August 19th-24th, 2024 !!!!
For more information please contact the Music Days Team:
Alan Roy Scott: Tel. +1 818-489-6923, alanroyscott@gmail.com
Malin Östh: Tel. +46 708-225474, malin@musicdays.se
Jonas Tancred: Tel. +46 760-236692, jonas@musicdays.se
Daily Schedule.
(Subject to change)
Monday, August 19th
18.00 Shuttle, Kristianstad C (Central Station) to Breanäs Hotel
20.00 Welcome Orientation/Party at Hotel and Official start of Camp.
Tuesday, August 20th
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Morning briefing and assignment of teams
10.30-13.00 Co-writing sessions
13.00 Lunch
14.00 – 18.00 Co-writing sessions continues
19.00 Dinner
22.00 Listening Session of the day’s songs
Wednesday, August 21st
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Morning briefing and assignment of teams
10.30-13.00 Co-writing sessions
13.00 Lunch
14.00 – 18.00 Co-writing sessions continues
19.00 Dinner
22.00 Listening Session of the day’s songs
Thursday, August 22nd
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Morning briefing and assignment of teams
10.30-13.00 Co-writing sessions
13.00 Lunch
14.00 – 18.00 Co-writing sessions continues
19.00 Dinner
21.00 VIP Listening Session with special invited guests to choose the songs to be performed at the festival the next day.
Friday, August 23rd
09.00 Breakfast
10.00 Rehearsals for Camp group performance song set to be performed at Festival
13.00 Lunch
15.00 LillaBy Festivalen Day #1
Including group set of songs written at Camp
19.00 Dinner
23.00 Shuttle back to Hotel from Festival
Saturday, August 24th
09.00 Breakfast
11.00 Hotel checkout
12.00 Shuttle transport to either Kristianstad C for those leaving, or shuttle to Festivalen for Day #2
(for those performing solo sets)
Select Your Suitable Plan
We welcome you to fill out our simple application to be a part of our Songwriting Camp experince in the south of Sweden. Please choose the option below, most suitable for you!
Package #1
Or 10.200 SEK
Addition for Single Room (instead of Twin)
€100 (1.000 SEK)
Full participation in Songwriting Camp
Performance at Lilla By Festivalen inkl entrance fees
Shared twin room
Includes: Breakfast, lunch and Dinner
Transportation to and from hotel & festival
Package #2
Or 6.000 SEK
(For local participant or participants
not requiring hotel accommodations)
Full participation in Songwriting Camp
Performance at Lilla By Festivalen inkl entrance fees
Includes: Lunch and Dinner
Free parking at Camp
Free electric charging for cars
Additional Info!
Please fill out the initial application on that page and we will contact you to arrange payment and details once accepted.
There will be an “Early Bird” registration discount of 10% until June 1, for applications accepted.